You can add songs to the BeatBuddy pedal using either the BeatBuddy Manager or the BeatBuddy Loader software, or the BeatBuddy Manager Online.
This instructions for the two software progarms are only fair. This page isn't much better, but it does put the information on one place.
Learn how to find songs that can be used on the BeatBuddy pedal.
The goal of this process is to end up with an svg file.
The BeatBuddy Loader Software is less complex than the BeatBuddy Manager. It's a good choice if you want to add songs to your BeatBuddy pedal and don't need to create your own songs. This is the user manual.
Installing songs using the BeatBuddy Loader (a summary)
The song will get added to a folder on your pedal with a name similar to "New Folder". In the BeatBuddy Loader software, you can drag the song from the "New Folder" to the desired location and then delete the then-empty "New Folder".
(Note that I have frequently renamed songs using the BeatBuddy Loader software only to have those changes disappear. This is indicative of the quality of the BeatBuddy software.)
These video tutorials explain how to use the BeatBuddy Manager software. This is the user manual.
Installing songs using the BeatBuddy Manager (a summary)
Hey, I'm just a guy who created this little website to help other people find songs. If you want support, contact Singular Sound (the company that makes the BeatBuddy pedal).